[MNWS]Modern Naval Weapon System CKAN

[MNWS]Modern Naval Weapon System

License: CC BY-SA 4.0

Game Version: 1.4.4

Downloads: 24,728

Author: Johnny005611

Mod Website: Forum Thread

Followers: 38

Outdated Mod

This mod is not known to work with the latest version of Kerbal Space Program. Proceed with caution.

We create this mod to better simulate a modern naval combat. In that case, we would want the maximun performance and the minimun usage of your computer. That's why we made all the SINGLE-PART MNWS

Mods required:

    1.BDAc (include PRE)        
   2.Vessel Mover
   3.Kerbal Joint Reinforcement
   4.Module Manager

Mod List:


VLS:(Vertical Launch System) AVLS1 AVLS2 AVLS3 MissileCell(CGNX2050) MMB(Air) AVLSX1 AVLSX2 AVLSX3

Ships: DDG1000(Destroyer) BBNX(Battleship) CGNX002(Cruiser) CGNX2050(Cruiser) FFG001(Frigate) FDG(Frigate) CVN003F CVN004 SSBNX SSBN002 AMB AMBII 055(Destroyer) 055X1(Cruiser) 075(LSD) CVN21

Fighters: F22 CFA44 CFA44A UCAV1 UCAF2 XV32 UN80(Helicopter)

Bomber: H20A H20B

Truck: 3X(Series) TRUCK

Truck Module: 3X2 3X6L 3XL 3X120 3XLaser 3XR LLauncher

Rail Gun: DDG2002(208mm) RGBB(428mm * 2)

Missiles(Prototype Ship - Air): SM_KKV SM_LREW SM_SADRM SM_SRADRM SAS

Missiles(Ship - Air): HHQ16C HHQ19 HHQ19RCS SM_KV11

Missiles(Air - Air): SASAA SM_AADRM SM_RAADRM RR120 CUDA(CGNX2050)

Bombs(Air - Ship): SDB28

Missiles(Ship - Groud/Ship): LRASM-A(Ship) LRASM-A(Air) LRASM-B(Ship) LRASM-B(Air) X51A(Ship) AGM46 AGM84 AGM84-BS AGM258(AGM2588)

Torpedo: MK56Launcher MK58Launcher MK48(Sub) MK56(Ship) MK58(Ship)

Missile(Submarine - Ground): BMM

Missile(Ground - Ground): GBBM

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