Renamed, originally space otter's KSC upgrade.
4 new runways, one of them 4800m long. 5 new launchpads for various rockets. Statics to liven up the KSC.
An upgrade to the KSC. Requirements: ALL DEPENDENCIES MUST BE THE LATEST VERION AND INSTALLED FRESH, IF YOU HAVE THEM ALREADY INSTALLED REMOVE AND REDOWNLOAD THEM, OTHERWISE IT WILL NOT WORK! -Kerbal Konstucts Continued (+ Module Manager & Custom Prelaunch Ckecks) -Omega's Stockalike Stuctures -Tundra Space Centre -Kerbinside Remastered (KSC Upgrades folder inside of ExampleBases deleted) -Ordinary Konstruction
Issues: originally I made this for 2.5x scale, so there may be issues with slightly 'hovering' buildings. Between buildings, there may be invisible bumps so watch out! Notes on the new update: This is an initial test of a complete remake. Why? I realised it would be better to use KK's KSC_Builtin group, instead of a custom one. This way, it should be compatible with any planet pack... At least how I understand it. That's why I want everyone to test it and see if it works (or not). Go on the forum and tell me. Also, some people were having issues with the statics not appearing, which this should hopefully sove. Finally, I am a perfectionist and after spending hours researchingdifferent space centres on google maps, I realised I wanted the buildings to be more sparead out. However this version is designed as a test of the new system and the mapdecals, any issues tell me on the forum, but do excpect more statics soon.
Raw stats are from the beginning of time until now. Each follower and download entry represents one hour of data. Uneventful hours are omitted.