OuterParallax-MPE CKAN

Adds Parallax Continued configs for MPE with custom assets.

License: MIT

Game Version: 1.12.5

Downloads: 223

Author: jthero3

Mod Website: Forum Thread

Followers: 1


This is an update for the amazing Parallax Configs created by Forum user Lithium-7. They have been updated to work with Parallax-Continued, to support all of the latest features. Including Ambient Occlusion, better scatter densities, and more. Fully supports all features up to Release 3 of Parallax Continued.

The original forum post can be found HERE




Scaled Space:


Required Mods:



NOTE I you're using MPE 1.1+, you must delete the included parallax patches. They can be found at:


  • Make sure you have either MPE, Parallax Continued, and Niako's Utils installed.
  • Drop OuterParallax into your GameData.


These configs were adpated from Lithobraker's Configs, which were released under the MIT license.

These configs are released under the same MIT license.


Current Status as of 3/2:

  • MPE
    • All Bodies have been updated to new PC format.
    • Including full scatter, and terrain support.
    • All Bodies have Ambient Occlusion Support.
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