QuackPack-ParallaxContinued CKAN

Parallax Continued Support for QuackPack

License: CC-BY-NC-SA

Game Version: 1.12.5

Downloads: 125

Author: jthero3

Mod Website: Forum Thread

Followers: 1


This mod adds Parallax Continued Support to Lt_Duckweed's amazing QuackPack Mod. QuackPack adds 5 bodies tucked deep within the orbit of Moho, which adds a new layer of challenge to your KSP adventures.


The following features have been added to the 4 terrestrial planets.

  • Adds Full Texture Support, including Ambient Occlusion.
  • Adds Full Scatter Support.
  • Adds Full ScaledSpace Support.

Bonus Features

I've also included a few of the bonus features that I use in my current save.

Final Frontier:

Final Frontier awards your Kerbal with medals for their acts of bravery. From planetary flybys to planting flags. I created them with one of my other projects, FinalFrontier Helper. All bodies are supported, for all medal types.

All credit for Final Frontier goes to Nereid42 for creating this wonderful mod.


Orbit Icons Pack gives each body a detail icon. I've bundled the Icons within this mod for ease of use, but those can be removed if you already have this mod installed.

All credit for OrbitIconsPack goes to Space_Fox_Oprissmian for this amazing mod.


Firefly gives each of the 3 atmospheric bodies a custom reentry.

All credit for Firefly goes to MirageDev for this amazing mod.









Make sure you have the two required mods, and their dependencies.

  • Unzip and place the contents of GameData into your KSP's GameData.


0.3.0 - Scaled Space Support

  • Re-did Geet Scatters.
  • Cleaned up Most bodies.
  • Release 3.3 is Required.

0.2.0 - Scaled Space Support

  • Adds Full ScaledSpace Support for all bodies. Release 3 Required.

0.1.0 - Initial Release

  • Adds Full Texture and Scatter Support.


This Mod Is Distributed under CC BY-NC-SA.

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