A completely new build to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the TV Series Space 1999. Built to the scale specified by the builder of the new official anniversary model.
As such these models are bigger than the ones put out in Beyond 1999, and externally human scaled. Insides and the 2 vehicles are scaled for Kerbals.
Everyhing has nodes for simple snap together. Wheels are the right way up when the lighter section of the hub is pointed at the ceiling in the Space Plane Hangar.
Everything has been fully tested on a vanilla stock install. If you have anything not working on a stock install with official DLC I will try to work out why. I can not fix problems on modded
installs and I will not write patches to support other mods. I have no problem with other people writing patches to support other mods if they wish to. I recommend NOT using this with
the FAR mod as it may brick it.
Due to the size of this mod and the chance I may patch it with a few extra parts. I am choosing not use CKAN at this point.
If you do find that I have forgotten to do something, please let me know on the Forum thread. If the Forum shuts down I will try to use GitHub and Reddit for contact. I am on those as
I will put a folder maked SPH in the main folder with 2 premade craft to get you started, just copy them into your save.
This mod has it's own category if you have Community Category Kit installed. Typing "eagle" in the parts list will also bring everything up.
Due to limitations of the game engine, Kerbals won't exit though doors that the game determines to be inside the model, as such there is a cheat exit on the spine of the middle section of the Eagle. You can enter through the doors if they aren't blocked. When a pod is attached you would transfer to the pod and exit via it's doors.
Raw stats are from the beginning of time until now. Each follower and download entry represents one hour of data. Uneventful hours are omitted.