KerbalMissile on SpaceDock

Discord: kerbalmissile

You're average mod making kerbal, if you want to contact me you can on Discord, which I always check or Reddit if you dont have Discord, I do check my Reddit less often.

Mod Packs by KerbalMissile

All The Realistic Progression - One Features (And Parts) in Stock or Other Planet Packs (37 mods)

YOU WILL NEED CONTRACT CONFIGURATOR: all other visual mods, AVP, Volumetrics, etc will need to be installed manually, same goes for cryofuels or realfuels, plus the engines as they are not on spacedock, same with tantares if you want soviet spacecraft, procedural parts for the very customizable tanks and more, the wings are already installed.

Mods created for Kerbal Space Program

1.0 for KSP 1.12.5

HTV-2 Falcon RP-1 Config

1.1 for KSP 1.12.5

Mirror Shields RP-1 Config

MirrorShields for RP-1

Mirror Shields RP-1 Config

1.5 for KSP 1.12.5

KerbalMissile's Patches

1.4 for KSP 1.12.5

Scylla (Extra Moon) Patch and Config

Mods KerbalMissile follows

1.3 for KSP 1.12.5


0.50.88 for KSP 1.12.5

Restock Recolour

1.5 for KSP 1.12.5

KerbalMissile's Patches

1.4 for KSP 1.12.5

Scylla (Extra Moon) Patch and Config